Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer Mango Salsa

When it is so unbearably hot outside you have to have some cool snacks on hand.  This salsa is perfect for the dog days of summer!  It is sweet, tangy, crisp and refreshing.  This would be great to bring to a potluck or to enjoy by the pool.  Kids would love it too.

Summer Mango Salsa
1 ripe mango, diced
2 cups strawberries, diced
juice of 1 lime
6-10 mint leaves, thinly sliced (could substitute basil leaves or omit completely)

Cinnamon pita chips

1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and toss gently.  Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.
2. Enjoy with cinnamon pita chips or dipper of your choice.

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