Friday, September 14, 2012

Glazed Chocolate Banana Muffins

I had some bananas in my freezer and they kept falling out every time I opened the door.  I decided it was time to use them up.  I started browsing Pinterest and stumbled upon some chocolate donut muffins that didn't have any bananas in them, but looked amazing.  So then I found some chocolate banana muffins that I thought would be great with glaze on top.  I tweaked both recipes and this scrumptious breakfast treat was born.  The muffins themselves are relatively healthy.  The glaze kinf of ruins that, but you could definitely enjoy these without the glaze.  This is a fabulous way to use up those brown bananas!

Shared at Weekend Potluck, Sweet Confessions and Strut Your Stuff Saturday.

Glazed Chocolate Banana Muffins
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 5.3 oz container plain or honey Greek yogurt (or about 1/2 cup)
1 egg
4 Tbsp melted butter
3 medium over-ripe bananas, mashed
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp vanilla almond milk (or regular milk)
1 cup chocolate chips **optional

2 Tbsp melted butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2-3 Tbsp hot water

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Place paper liners in 12 muffin cups.
2. Sift together flour, sugar, cocoa, salt, baking soda and baking powder and set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl combine bananas, yogurt, egg, butter, milk and bananas.
4. Slowly add flour mixture and mix until just moist.  Do not over mix or your muffins will be dense.
5. Fold in chocolate chips.
6. Fill muffin cups 2/3 of the way full.  Bake 18-24 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
7. Let muffins cool for about 10 minutes before glazing or it will just soak in.
8. Whisk together all ingredients for the glaze.  Dip muffin tops in the glaze and allow to dry before serving.  If desired let glaze dry and dip in the glaze again for double glazed muffins. (That's what is pictured)


  1. These look delicious! We'd love for you to link them up to our party!

  2. I am so glad that I always have bananas in my freezer too...these sound awesome!!! I love all the glaze on top!!!
